Career Migration of America’s Aging Workforce

Career MigrationDesperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

America’s aging employees continue to surprise the country with their unbelievable inclination to work long hours, albeit their declining health conditions. Baby boomers are forced to work overtime, and America’s need for additional manpower has lengthened the retirement period for senior citizens.

Instead of complaining, older employees in the United States have shown a surprising liking into how career development plans have penetrated modern employment. Alicia Munnell of Smart Money discusses the influence of improved benefits and stable education policies explaining the employment flux among older workers.

Surprisingly, the country’s aging workforce are leaving their present offices in exchange for a more “sustainable, economically-secured job” that fits their capabilities. Older workers are moving out of the pack in search for more opportunities, despite knowing that they will be outwrestled by the nation’s core group of young, vigorous professionals.

Blitzing the Career Quarterback: America’s Aging Workforce Rushing the Line of Scrimmage

Compare employment with a quarterback defended by an immovable offensive line and a powerful tight end. The odds are stacked against America’s aging workforce, for they have no chance to stay in a company within a year. Companies obviously will want to exhaust resources in younger talent than sacrifice profitability in the hands of waning experience and blunt expertise.

The sudden migration may be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Financial insecurities – Older workers are leaving their jobs because they feel unappreciated. America’s group of working veterans want the same level of financial compensation received by younger professionals working in different fields of developmental endeavor. However, the change in the employment landscape has stark implications for employees near retirement as only a handful of companies have shown enthusiasm in recruiting older applicants whose skill set fall behind with people with deep knowledge in evolving technologies and practices.
  2. Opportunities with less pressure – The sharp migration demonstrated by older workers may have been caused by the rapid rise in technology. The lack of education and orientation to such devices prompts the aging population to look for jobs that implement rudimentary responsibilities.

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