Laboratory Associate Resume Sample
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- Highly reliable and detail-oriented professional with laboratory-based research experience and solid biological sciences foundation, having worked as laboratory assistant, technician, and researcher both in medical and academic settings.
- Demonstrate adeptness in ensuring strict compliance of all tasks and projects with quality-control guidelines and health and safety standards of the laboratory; along with maintaining accuracy in monitoring scientific procedures, conducting tests and compiling results on scientific procedures and research results.
- Technically competent, familiar and experienced in operating, handling and maintaining medical devices.
- Equipped with transferable sales and communication skills to sell and promote medical and pharmaceutical products.
- Proven track record of strong work ethic and professionalism, evidenced by flawless attendance and promptness to work, as well as ability to learn quickly and produce quality outputs.
- Strong team player, equipped with interpersonal and communication abilities, ready to assist and carry out instructions accurately; accustomed to interacting with doctors, medical personnel, professors and head researchers.
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, Specialization in Genetics and Microbiology: 2014
Rutgers University, Cook College ▪ New Brunswick, NJ
G.H. Cook Honors Graduate Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research
Computer Skills: MS Windows, BLAST, Microsoft: Word, Excel, Paint, PowerPoint
Laboratory Skills: Titration | PCR | Distillation | Chromatography | Dissection | Slide Preparation | Extraction | DNA Sequencing | Gel Electrophoresis
- Possess thorough knowledge and experience in adhering to appropriate clinical safety precautions.
- Experienced in conducting test protocols and procedures, product evaluation, experimental designs, data analysis, biotechnology and research programs.
- Skilled in data gathering, collection, and management along with recording and documentation of research experiment results.
- Accustomed to managing day-to-day operations in conducting a research project, strictly complying with standard operating procedures and specific instructions.
- Demonstrated ability to formulate and establish product design and performance objectives, in collaboration with other functions, including research, marketing and production, as well as with contractors, suppliers, and customers.
- Proficient in writing technical reports as well as research publications.
Medical Intern, Emergency Medicine, Oct 2015–Jan 2016
- Provided assistance to all medical doctors and residents in the emergency room on various procedures, such as dressing wounds, reviewing laboratory results, preparing patient histories for attending physician’s review, and participating in discussions involving patient diagnoses and treatment.
Laboratory Technician, May 2014-Mar 2015
- Performed additional research and co-authored a paper (A Phylogeny of Celithemis) with Dr. Michael May and Dr. Karl Kjer, presented at the National Entomological Society meeting and published in June 2008 in Odonatologica
Undergraduate Laboratory Researcher,Sep 2013–Sep 2015
- Managed the collection of molecular data (sequenced DNA) to clarify the evolutionary relationship of the genera Celithemis (Odonata) under supervision of head researchers.
- Provided technical assistance to graduate students with their research while working on own thesis, which was accepted by the G.H Cook Honors Research Council.
Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant,Aug 2012–Sep 2013
- Received training on DNA extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), gene cleaning, and other crucial laboratory techniques.
- Assisted in experiments dealing with conducting DNA sequencing and PCR on dragonfly’s DNA; maintained the laboratory by mixing proper chemicals necessary for various experiments conducted and helped graduate students in their laboratory work.
- Undertook the following laboratory procedures with results confirming new phylogentic relationships between the different species of Celithemis (Odonata), which reorganized the genus as a whole:
- Performed DNA extraction methods (QIAGEN, DNeasy) and amplified COI fragment from the mtDNA and the D2 region of the large sub-unit (28S) nuclear ribosomal coding region using PCR, C1731F, and CI–14R primers and D2ODUP and D2DnB primers.
- Performed separation of the amplified DNA on a 1.5% low-melting agarose gel (FMC Bioproducts) and used QIAquick PCR Purification Kit Protocol (QIAGEN) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Used BigDye Terminators Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems) and an ABI 3100 capillary sequencer to sequence the purified product.
- Aligned COI using Clustal (Thompson 1997) and translated the corresponding protein sequence in MacClade (Maddison and Maddison 1992) to ensure homology. D2 sequence alignments were made using Clustal and the resulting files were aligned manually in Microsoft Word using the structural methods described in Kjer et al. (1994), Kjer (1995) Kjer et al., (2007) and secondary structure models based on Gutell et al. (1993).
- Developed the phylogentic trees using various programs, such as PAUP* version 4.0b10 and MrBayes.
Substitute Teacher | Oakland Board of Education ▪ Oakland, NJ | 2018–Present
Substitute Teacher | Guttenberg Board of Education ▪ Guttenberg, NJ | 2017–2018
Chief Executive Officer | Shadow Ridge Antiques, Baskorp LLC ▪ Franklin Lakes, NJ | 2015–2017
Substitute Teacher, Grades K-12 | Waldwick School District ▪ Waldwick, NJ | Sep 2014–2015
Senior Counselor ▪ Wyckoff YMCA ▪ Wyckoff, New Jersey | Summer 2015 & 2016
Tutor, Science and Mathematics | Sept 2004–Present
Waldwick Memorial Day Parade, Waldwick Public Schools: 2017–2018
Pre-Med Club, Cook College: 2011–2014
America Reads Program, Paterson Public School District: 2008–2009