Learn about the proven ways of crafting an interview-getting resume cover letter
Since a resume ought to contain no-frills, straight pieces of relevant career details and facts only, “other pieces of career-important information” have certainly no place in it. When we say “other career-important information,” these are the “side explanations” and “descriptions” to any significant event or factor that brought impact, whether directly or indirectly, to your career. These events or factors can be serious illness, child rearing, retrenchment, or many other things.
If such things have no place in a resume, a resume cover letter is the best place to put them. Though ideally it must be as concise as possible, it is through the cover letter that you can properly explain them. That way, those who will examine your resume will easily understand any lapse(s) in your career history. Most importantly, you can clearly explain why you are the most suitable person for that advertised job against the other candidates.
The resume cover letter samples and articles here provide you valuable insights to doing it right.